Playing Dress Up
We Brits seem to be obsessed with dressing up. Fashion aside, we have pioneered some die hard identities: Punk, Goth, New Romantics... okay I’ll stop. But whenever the dress code of a party stipulates Fancy...
We Brits seem to be obsessed with dressing up. Fashion aside, we have pioneered some die hard identities: Punk, Goth, New Romantics... okay I’ll stop. But whenever the dress code of a party stipulates Fancy...
Father’s Day. A day to think about fathers. My father was the most exciting man I’ve ever met. I didnt grow up with him and I always had that slight formality - like...
When I reached the age of 25 I gave up alcohol and drugs and I have stayed that way ever since. Without these stimulants to regulate my thoughts and feelings, I turned to alternative...
Here is a picture of my mother Bernardine, my sister Esther, and me. We had just returned from living in Morocco for two years. Even though we were ‘home’ everything was hard to...
My father hated having his photograph taken. He said the flash made him go temporarily blind. In the past, he was known to have occasionally attacked any fool that tried it on. Then he...
Last night I delivered a black Highwayman style coat to Eric Cantona. It was the final piece of his stage outfit for his concert tour for his new album of cool songs, written and...
During these dark times, my great friend Karma and I stabilize ourselves by talking on the phone about what we call ‘the beauty alongside’. These conversations are often about creative stuff we are...
I am a very un-intrepid traveller. I put it down to my childhood, journeying to Morocco in a van, with nowhere to live when we got there - and no money. Now I only...
Those of us lucky enough to have crossed paths with Kate Moss know about ‘being Mossed’. It usually involves a chance encounter where Kate takes control and somehow, out of nowhere, you are having the...
I keep this Post It taped to the inside of my door in case I need it. It is from a book of ‘Freudian Slips’ sticky notes that I bought from the Freud...
When I was 8 I developed a recurring nightmare. In the dream, I was sitting in a train compartment, the enclosed ones with room for 6 or 8 people. I was alone, seated...
The artist Sarah Lucas has a retrospective opening at Tate Britain next week. For her fans, of which I am a die hard, we know this show will be both gratifying and mindblowing....